Sunday, January 16, 2005

It's 3:30

And I get to head home in 3.5hrs. my stomach is feeling weird. I have been tired all day long, I got enough sleep. It must just be this crappy weather. I am hoping that I may go to a M-F shift here in another month or so, I don't know though. I'm not even sure if I want to, just so many things I have to think about though. I am just trying to take a step back and sort my priorities latley. It seems life is passing me by and I'm not reaching a lot of my goals. I guess I have a lot going good for me. I'm just the kind of person who wants to plan everything out and lately I've come to the point where everything is a waiting game. I'm not very happy about that, but there isn't much else I can do for the time being. One thing I want to do is to spend some time with my grandfather, my great aunt Sadie, and most of all my mom. I will probably be working 6 days a week or so for the next month. It wears me out, but the thought of being 60 and trying to make ends met gives me the motivation to get off my ass and just do it. Well, I don't have much else to say, so I guess I'll write again later.



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