Monday, October 25, 2004

6:13-77mins to go


Today has been ok I guess. I can't stand this girl at work. So selfish
and selfcentered. Managers are afraid to ever make her do her work. They
wouldn't want to piss off a female employee in a mainly male workplace.
It's so stupid, but I am trying to not let it bother me anymore.

Life is getting very stressful latley. Aunt Sadie feel down stairs the
other day, my grandfather is probably going to be dead 6 months from now.
My mom has her problems and now my dad's knees are killing him and it hurts
for him to walk.. they are running tests and crap now.

I know all of this is stressing out my brother too, I worry about him alot.
All this worry and stress is taking it's toll. I am feeling really withdrawn.
I'm having trouble finding joy in alot of things these days.

Marion(my wife) has alot of worries too. She has family members up in age
and I know is concerned about her family.

I'm having problems trying to figure out if life is always this hard and
I've just pulled my head out of my ass and finally figured it out.

Or we're just getting our share of rough times. I mean I can handle it I guess,
everything is going to be ok. It's not like I can change half the things that
are happening.

I'm finding some comfort in digging out some old cd's and trying to mellow out.

I'm sitting here looking over my 401k junk... It's hard thinking about
putting money away that I can't have till 38 yrs from now. But if money
is still worth anything then and I'm still alive it will be nice not
having to eat alpo for dinner.

Well I have 24 mins to go now.... I guess I'll write some later.


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