Saturday, September 03, 2005

2002 Altima

2002 Altima
Originally uploaded by skclaiborne.
So I’ve been feeling awful restless today, I’ve been looking at cars thinking about what I need to get and
What would be the smart thing to buy. I’ve pretty much decided to go with a 2002 Altima with a 4cylinder
Engine and an Auto Transmission. I’m going to try and take real estate classes soon and I need a roomy
Car with good gas milage. I think I can sell my Maxima for 3000 and try to get a Altima for like 12k or so.
I found a really awesome Lexus I would love to buy, but Car insurance would go up 400 bucks a year and
I don’t think it’s worth it. I really hope I get a motorcycle next year, I haven’t had once Since I was 17. I
Know I don’t really need one but it’s not like I have any hobbies or anything that’s fun so I think It would be
Fun to go riding again.

I would like to just take a week or 2 off work and just take off and ride wherever Just hop on a interstate and
go. I haven’t seen enough of the USA yet. I’ve only been in TN, AL, GA, MS, FL, KY, CA, NV and AR.
I may have been in SC but if I was I don’t remember it I was way too young.

So I just figured out a way to save my company $2,000.00 a Month if phone bills for the next few months.
We dial tower sites through a server each night up to 11 times to check on their status. I found that 139
Towers were taken out in the Hurricane so we are wasting $68.80 a night dialing these sites that are laying
On the ground, they aren’t going to answer…. I’m sure they’ll tell me it’s a great Idea and then not do a
Damn thing with the information. It’s great being smarter than all my bosses and them being too ignorant to
Fix issues that could save our company Monday.

Marion colored her hair dark again, I’m very happy about that. I find her much more attractive with Dark
Hair than blonde. We went out to Outback last night and had a good time; I got one of my favorite drinks J

So I’ve started watching stocks, I’m trying to figure out how to play the game, I think I’ll figure it out somewhat
Before too long. I’m just learning on paper for the time being, I don’t know enough to risk real money yet. Atleast
It seems fun for the time being, I want to order a couple of books about the subject. I still want to look into the
Tax lien certificate thing I’ve researched.

I’m kicked back listening to yahoo radio right now, as much as I hate my job at times it’s nice to be sitting here
Chilling out instead of mowing a yard of digging a ditch out in 95 degree weather or some shit. I think I’ve worked
Myself so much the last couple years It’s helped me appreciate more simple things in life to some degree. I just
Have a lot more on my mind lately, a lot deeper things than in the past, I think it’s good in some ways and depressing
In others.

Marion and myself are going out to dinner with her parents tonight, I am supposed to pick where… that’s always
A problem with us… You don’t even know.




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